I think these pages are hard to see but no time to fix that now. This is a two page sketch from the scrap room. I had lots of fun stitching the circles and using this green paper that I never thought I would use.
I'm back after a little break. I was still scrapping/card making just not posting. As a matter of fact last week end I went to a scrap retreat and got 19 pages and 4 cards done. Woo Hoo. I got 10 world series pages done but have more to go. Here is another one I did today. Scrappin Sports & More is one of my favorite companies that puts out sports paper. I scrap lots of different sports so it's nice to have a good variety. They have a blog and in Feb started having sketch challenges. This is one of the first ones I tried and it turned out pretty good. It's pretty simple but a lot of my sports pages are. Enjoy and check out their blog at www.scrappinsportsand more.blogspot.com
Today I need to start making some Valentine cards and what better way than to get a kick start from a sketch from MoJo Monday. Looking back I have slacked a little as that was my post last week. I made a fun easy card with this sketch and I like it. It is from a new set that I got at papertreyink. I just love their stamps. This tiny Valentine set makes me hoppy, like the card says.